Thursday, January 7, 2016

OH NO IT'S A BIRD!!!!!!!!!!!

New Zealand has a lot of really cool looking birds. When we were in Auckland we had a small patio at our hotel. We liked to keep the patio door open because we liked to look at the view outside. But sometimes a sparrow (the most popular New Zealand bird) would fly into our house and Mom would scream, "OH NO IT'S A BIRD!!!!!!!!" Now we're in Muriwai and we're staying at a beach house that is open for all birds to fly into our house. So far no birds have come but we listen to their chirping all night long. In Muriwai they have a lot of parakeets which are like parrots only a lot smaller. Unlike most birds they only come out at 8:00 at night. We also see a colony of gannets on a cliff at the beach. Gannets are super cool because they mate for life. Dad spotted this other bird that we thought was a parakeet but up close it looks like a giant woodpecker. That is the end of my New Zealand bird tour.

The awesome rainbow parakeet!

First time at the beach!


Preening Gannet mates.

Cool shades dude!

Awesome selfie of the beach (taken by Dad)

Pretty sunset!

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