Friday, March 18, 2016

The Penguin Capital of the World Where we Didn't See a Penguin

Today we drove from Glenorchy to Oamaru. Oamaru is supposed to be the penguin capital of the world. They have both a Yellow Eyed penguin colony and a Little Blue penguin colony. Yellow Eyed penguins are considered the rarest penguin in the world. We were on a mission to see this rare penguin. We stood at the viewing area looking out over the sea hoping to see the Yellow Eyed penguin. The wind blew in our faces making our teeth chatter. We stood there for an hour and saw a few things that may have been penguins in the water, but do not have complete conformation that they were  penguins because the kelp moved around a lot and looked kind of like a penguin. We did see a seal on the shore, but he had normal eye color. So Dad drove us to the Little Blue penguin colony. Unfortunately you had to pay to see the Little Blues and we had already seen them at the Wellington zoo. After  trying to find the penguins we decided to check out the town. The town had this park with a really tall slide. I slid down it about 40 times. Then Dad saw this old fashion car and an old street with a lot of old limestone buildings from around the 1860s. We later found out that they sometimes have Little Blue penguins just wandering down the street. They had an awesome bookstore that had a ton of books on Antarctica (where I want to visit someday) with an actual sailboat inside the store. We also went to a bakery that had great pastries and bread. I loved Oamaru.
Me with an old fashion Bug.

Old fashion bakery.

Nat and Dad Little Blue penguins.

Yellow Eyed penguin sign.

The lookout where the Yellow Eyed penguins are supposed to be.

Me and Mom by the old fashion bakery.

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